The Birth of Baraka
Baraka’s story is not only about my individual journey to sinus health, it’s about the development of a business that cares more about relationships with people and a healthy planet than it does the “bottom line.” I hope this story will inspire you to visit our Baraka crew page, read our blog and seek out other businesses that share a similar vision.
Baraka Began When Conventional Medicine Couldn’t Help
I began having sinus congestion when I moved to Sonoma County, California in 1996. Nothing relieved the nasal pressure, and I was increasingly more miserable at night. As luck would have it, my mother mailed me a neti pot. For weeks the tiny “teapot” sat in my bathroom. Finally in desperation, I tried it. After one rinse I got such relief I began telling everyone. That’s when my entrepreneurial spirit kicked in and I decided I could make a better ceramic neti pot right here in California.
For a while, I made the neti pots in my friend’s llama shed – in all kinds of weather. I couldn’t afford to have them manufactured, so I taught myself ceramics. In the morning with llamas looking on I would make neti pots, and in the afternoon I’d dash to my office to make sales calls. Within a few years, Baraka Neti Pots were selling in herbal stores, coops and natural grocery stores all over the US.
Over time, I rented an industrial warehouse and hired a small staff. Although my sinuses were better – clear and open – I felt like I still had an underlying sinus infection. I tried everything to rid myself of the infection from grapefruit seed extract to cayenne pepper!!! Nothing worked.
My Search For Sinus Healing Continued
As luck would have it again, I came across the path of some of the leading experts in essential oils from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy. We spent time developing a special essential oil formula, and in doing so, I completely healed my sinus infection.
Our sales on this blend have doubled every year since. Almost immediately, people started telling us they broke their cycle of antibiotic use and canceled sinus surgeries.
At Baraka we encourage people with sinus problems to find which products work best for them. If you read our blogs, you’ll notice we encourage people to experiment a bit. The feedback we’ve received over the years has been phenomenal! That’s why I am so passionate about this business.
The Spirit of Baraka
I feel like the luckiest person on the planet. Baraka has a personality all its own. I love the people I work with and deeply appreciate our customers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your feedback has inspired us to make uniquely colored neti pots and explore the various kinds of salts on the planet. Thank you!!! We’re inspired to continue searching for the best natural health products.

Susan Libby, Baraka Founder