Clean Neti Pot- Clean Nose
Tips on cleaning your neti pot
Tips on cleaning your neti pot
Photo by Katherine Auguste Remember Swimming Pool Nose? In all the years of selling neti pots, I've heard one common theme from people who are resistant to nasal rinsing: the swimming pool! As a child most of us [ more]
Nasal Rinsing- Your Best Allergy Season Defense After 15 years of educating people on the benefits of nasal irrigation, I've found that most people remember to nasal rinse during cold and flu season but forget about it during allergy season. [ more]
Pollen Count and Your Sinus Allergies Since we sell Baraka sinus products all over the country, it gives us an opportunity to talk with a lot of people about their sinus congestion. During the spring, the conversation naturally turns to [ more]
Photo by Joshua Micaller Understanding Sinus Headaches What causes your sinus congestion or sinus headaches? Each of us is unique and we find that different triggers cause our sinuses to get congested and different solutions help give us [ more]
Learn What Your Body Needs for Cold Relief Science writer Jennifer Ackerman authored a book called Achoo- The Uncommon Life of the Common Cold. Ackerman reports that the latest scientific research indicates that products such as zinc and Echinacea don't [ more]
How Neti Pots Can Help Sinus Congestion If your sinus congestion has lasted over 3 months, you're likely to have a chronic sinus condition. The symptoms can range from a mild post nasal drip to head pressure so severe it [ more]
Can You Imagine Putting Water Up Your Nose? When I started working at Baraka in 2003 I was completing my college education and looking for a job flexible with my class schedule. I began in Baraka's quality control and [ more]
Image by Sherrie Super Salt Water to Improve Sinus Health For centuries, people have been putting salt water up their nose to improve their sinus health. Simple methods such as inhaling salt water or using a tea [ more]
The Bright White Stuff Years ago a buyer from one of our stores called us and said I love your neti pot, but why are you using the bright, white stuff? - referring to the sinus salt I had packaged [ more]