If you’ve read Baraka’s mission statement, you know we’re about People, Planet, Profit. Not the other way around. We value our relationships! Our community is far reaching from individuals to small businesses in our neighborhood and abroad. We feel it’s important to acknowledge those who supply us, inspire us and simply give us their best so we can give that to you! Below is a brief description of our extended community. To read more, click on the link.
Herbal Stores– These businesses inspire us. If you’re lucky enough to have one in your neighborhood, please pay them a visit. They are unique and increasingly an endangered species in this era of corporate conglomerates.
Our Suppliers – Without our local clay supplier or the essential oil blender right in our own neighborhood, we’d be out of business. They consistently provide excellent products and services, and we’d like you to know who they are.
Philanthropy– We helped fund the Munay Essential Oil Project in Peru. This project focuses on distillation of native plants and connecting the indigenous distillers with tourism. In addition, the Baraka crew contributes to KIVA – a nonprofit lending platform that helps entrepreneurs throughout the world. Our crew members loan a family or individual money and once that loan is paid back they do it again.