132 North Main Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472
In 1972, Rosemary Gladstar founded Rosemary’s Garden and since then she has become a world-renown herbalist and educator. Rosemary’s Garden has become a trusted provider of herbal products. Our staff and consultants are experts in herbal traditions and the use of medicinal herbs and herbal products for a variety of special needs.
Every year, we answer thousands of questions about the best use of our products. With the help of the internet, we now provide products to a wide market and enabling good customer satisfaction. Most of our herbs are organic and all of our tea blends are organic or wildcrafted. While we do not sell wildcrafted herbs that are on an endangered or “at risk” list, we do stock such herbs from organic suppliers. If wildcrafted or organic herbs are not available from our primary suppliers, only then do we offer non-organic herbs from alternate sources.
Mission Statement
As expert herbalists, our goal is to help you Feel Better.
What makes you unique in your community?
We are unique because we have focused on medicinal herbs for almost 40 years and we love what we do, all day, every day.
What are the frequent comments that you hear from your customers?
“It smells so good in here”, “This is like a little oasis”, “I come to you first”, “Do you have something for stress” and on and on and on…
What one lesson would you love the general public to learn about/from herbs?
Herbs have been used before modern medicine and many over-the-counter and prescription medications are made to mimic an herb and its efficacy. I find customers to be very brave and proactive in their health-care.
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